Monday, 2 February 2009

Snowing today yea.

finally, the right way to snow. at least can make balls. snowballs. =D went out in a normal jacket. super cold ><. but wanna take pics! hmm, luckily today theres no lectures. so free to roam around the snowy ground.

and i built some mini snowman ^^

cute huh, my snowman^^ built them with my housemate HY. she was soo keen to make one. haha. and the cute one.

not sure if its gonna snow this way. gonna have thick layer if snow for couple of days. =D


  1. OMG, the snowmen are cute. ><
    Remeber to pack some snow for me, please.
    You can put in some ice to preserve them from melting. XD

  2. i thought it snowed very hard in Europe?

  3. ya lor. yerr but so fun TT i wan to build snowman tooo!

  4. it only snowed for 1 day at my place. must be global warming
