ball... ah i dont really like going to a ball. 1st is because i gotta find a dress, 2nd hair need to be styled... 3rd make up which i dont really know how to. LOL and 4th shoes! high heeled shoes! omg i just hate them. cant walk straight while on them. i just wish if i can wear a trainer to ball. that would be so comfy XD
anyway. i still went to ball becoz the guy i admired for about 1 year was there XD he kept asking me few times whether im goin 2 ball or not. like 3 times b4 the event approached. haha
so there i went to the ball with messy hair and old dress from my previous Alevel nite. yes, im saving $ for other stuffs. XD

oh man i looked damn fat! whatever XD most of the time i took pictures n chit chat. so yeah. those are my housemate, YC and HY!

and of coz LY too in blue elegant dress :) so 3 housemates: YC, HY, and LY. so many Y's.

me and EW ! love her light blue dress XD

love the hills! the ball was in a hotel situated in the middle of green hills! how nice! so i went out 2 take some pictures XD

Cabonara hotel? XD
anyway, i took some pictures with my favourite lecturer ian and my research partner jasmine XD

isnt he handsome ? lol. anyway too bad he's married with 2 children!! and one of his kid can draw like me when i was like 3 lol scribble scribble. XD ian was happy that i made it to the ball coz he knew i was in depressed mood coz i had to resit my papers. and he cheered me up with a hug XD
another lecturer called leon! he's also one of the lecturers who is so nice to us XD

guys in kilts are so cute!
the meal was so-so. XD 3 course meal starting with appetizer then main course and dessert afterwards.
appetizer: random fruits

main course: stuffed chicken

dessert: some chocolate cake ?

not sure what the yellow-blue thing is. i thought its a huge pill!
we even took pictures in a toilet! my lord XD

batch rep! eh? when did i start wearing the jacket and a glowing in the dark necklace? Oo

who candid me? LOLOL

haha! and i even tried the scottish dance (mainly just hopping around) ahah it was quite fun lol and its quite a good excercise too! and i danced with ^ hehehe
ok gotta stop mentioning him too much! lolz
great event to be remembered :)